Monday, June 20, 2016

Brought To Us By...Daddy

I was sort of a bit lazy this weekend and ignored posting, even though there were a handful of cute pics I wanted to share.

So tonight, when I thought about the best way to categorize the random assortment, I realized there's one common denominator to everything in the pics.

And that common denominator just happens to be the fact that everything I'm going to share can be attributed back to the man we celebrated yesterday.


I've said time and again that I was so blessed to meet and marry my husband at such a young age--and have it turn out so well as we grew together.

And by that, I mean that I knew I was devoting my life to a good man, from a good family, with a good faith in his heart, but I didn't necessarily project out the specifics. I simply trusted that the goodness in him would bear fruit in any aspect of our lives.

So now, as a full-fledged adult (they finally gave me the membership card), with a trio of children, I'm continually blown away by the father that he is to our children--and the provider he is for our family.

I am a blessed mother of means to be able to stay home, as is my desire, with my children--and to shower them with experiences and objects that help them grow and explore and learn and play.

And it does not, for a single day, escape my mind that all of that is given to us by the grace of God--through the incredibly hard work and devotion of my hubby.

So God Bless all the fathers out there in the world. But especially the one that puts food on our table, Target trips on our weekly agenda, and the biggest laughs in my babies' bellies.

And now...some weekend pics :)

Dinner out Friday night...brought to us by Daddy's hard work.

Little Man charming Chica's dance teacher (at a bday party this weekend)--who we know and love, thanks to Daddy's hard work that affords us the luxury of lessons.

The water bottles we picked up at Target this weekend so we could stay hydrated all summer in the car. Water bottles that we bought, courtesy of Daddy's hard work (are you sensing my theme??).

And lastly, the beautifully painted nails that tickled the girlies pink (or rather--red for Chica, aqua for Chicklet), just because I saw the fun polish one day and bought it for no reason--thanks to Daddy's hard work.

We are one very happy family, and so blessed to be.

Happy post-Father's Day Monday, peeps!

P.S. This is the nail polish that is so freaking fantastic for the girlies. It dries almost instantly, is scented, and peels off without the need for polish remover. Win/win/win!

P.P.S. I have never seen Chicklet so adorably giggly as when I painted her tiny nails. She was glowing with glee, and so dang thrilled to show them off to Daddy. It was precious. And, yes, I've re-painted them every morning for the past three days ;) Good thing it's quick and painless--and priceless!

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