Tuesday, July 12, 2016

A Flipped Swimming Switch!

Sooooo, I didn't post about it last week because I was afraid it might be a fluke, buuuuut...Chicklet totally flipped a happy switch and became a rockstar, independent little swim student! Woohoo!

I just walked her to her usual spot, casually helped to plop her on her foam turtle (where they sit when they're not in the water), and backed away to the parental viewing bench (that's just three feet away) like it was no biggie. And the fabulous instructor totally picked up on my cues, and scooped Chicklet into the water as the first kiddo to dive in, and from then on, she was golden.

I mean smiling (even inderwater), giggling, laughing, splashing. I was full of shock and awe. 

And this week was just the same :)

I'm so.dang.proud. of my girl, and so excited to have some pics to share since I wasn't actually in the water.

There she is with her arms outstretched (and, yup, she's totally bathing suit buddies with one of her swim pals):

This enthusiastic, mouth-open, guppie move is the reason she comes home with 15-pound diapers any time she's been in the water. She drinks as much as she plays ;)

I'm seriously soooooo proud of her progress. Week four was the magic-maker, apparently. Well, that and the dozens of trips to our regular pool for swimming fun to make her a beyond happy water-camper.

Of course, I'd love to actually get Little Man in his class now, but I'm not pushin' it. If I disappear from Chicklet's line of sight, she might digress, so we'll just play it slow and steady, 'cause it got us this far!

Happy Tuesday, peeps.

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