Thursday, July 14, 2016

An Accidental Summer Purge

This is the tale of how one slightly OCD Mama accidentally fell into a full-on Summer Cleaning/Purge Extravaganza.

It all started with stackable bath cups.


It all started with mildew on stackable bath cups.

That led me to notice the mildew on Little Man's bath seat (and how it made his sweet little head smell not-so bath time, Johnson & Johnson fresh.

That led me to immediately throw $16.99 at a new, fresh bath seat, for a fresh and snuggly little baby noggin.

That led the hubby (who is the bath time ring leader) to subsequently request fresh bath time toys (I mean, some saw their best days back in Chica's infancy).

That led me to haul down three highly-organized storage containers of toys so I could find the other set of stackable bath cups I knew we had (remember this part; it's important for later).

That led me to pull out a few of the stowed away toys so I might rotate them in for others in the playroom (I do this regularly so that what's old becomes new again).

That led me to haul out a couple of larger toys that are now appropriate for my movin' and shakin' Little Man. Like this one:

That led me to tearing down the Jumperoo and stowing away a bunch of other toys, 'cause there ain't room for it all, and they grow bored of it anyway.

That led me to reorganizing the closets where the larger storage containers and toy boxes are kept.

Which led me to notice the books on the shelves of each of those three closets (one for each kiddo), and how they desperately needed to be organized.

Worse still...the books needed to rotate to age-appropriate bedrooms.

And worse still--new books I'd set aside for a happy-happy-joy-joy day had to be rotated in.

But wait--still other books from playroom drawers and a living room toy basket and a master bedroom toy basket needed to be organized and refreshed.

Which led to miles of walking back and forth amongst bedrooms, and piles upon piles of beloved but pain-in-the-ass to-get-organized books stacked neatly in the loft landing.

Which led me to glance around the corner at the small hallway closet the kids don't even know exists.

Which led to a full purge of it.

And then a quick, pass-through purge of the attic (ya know, 'cause why the hell not???) since some of the boxes for baby things we've donated were lingering there).

Add in some vacuuming, some sheet changing, dusting, several trips to the trash, two bags and a large box set for donation, and, well, it's all done.

No biggie. (She says as she's close to passing out while icing her back).

The irony?

Those damn stackable cups that sort of led to this whole snowball weren't even in those storage containers I hauled down. They were in the playroom toy chest, within arm's reach all along. (Hysterical snort laughing here).

If anyone's still with me here (and I really hope you're not, as this was a pointless and long story of an oddly obsessive woman), there's a silver lining:

My kiddos had a blast today.

In fact, Chica flung her arms up high and declared it the "best day ever," before flinging herself at me for a bear hug.

And Chicklet was beside herself over all the "new" toys.

Because, of course, to them, all these old toys are new. And it's awesome.

So, yay, for happy children.

And ice packs.

And OCD tendencies that led to a purged upstairs.

If only someone could restrain me from tackling the craft closet downstairs next.

And the pantry.

Heaven help me.

Over and out, peeps.

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