Sunday, July 24, 2016

An Ode To My Chicklet

So...a couple weeks ago, after a visit to the pool, Chicklet was walking around in the playroom wearing nothing but a sagging, 10-pound diaper (as one does).

She walked by Daddy, pulled a fake piece of toast out of her plumber's crack, made a munching noise, then stowed it away (back in the crack; as one does), and kept on walking, ha.

And that very day, I wanted to post about the gazillions of ways that I love this child. But, well, things have been busy! So I'm just now getting around to it :)

So heeeere we go!

1. Have drink; will drain. My girl luuuurvs her liquids, and can chug like the best of 'em. And every morning, she has her fill of a Sunny D/legit OJ combo that I'm pretty sure is like her version of coffee.

(Sometimes in goggles, as one does.)

2. She also luuuuurvs stuffed animal friends, and usually sleeps with one for nap and night.

3. And speaking of sleeping habits, my girl sleeps with more than just a stuffed animal friend. These days, it's common for her to have one (or a dozen) of her figurine friends, some fake food, a piece of jewelry. You name it, she hoards it. And bundles it underneath her belly and sleeps on top of it like she's a firedrake guarding her treasure.

(Did I mention she loves her figurines??)

4. She's also become quite a jewelry maven. She's always been more into bracelets than necklaces--though she appears to dig a choker style these days, ha. But I'm pretty sure she's got her eye on all my earrings, as she stalks me daily when I put them on, and might be spending all her time figuring out how to snatch them.

5. This one's MAJOR, peeps. Like, so intrinsic to the awesomeness that is my daughter that I can't believe I haven't posted about it a gazillions times before. SHE WALKS ON HER TIPPY TOES. Like, all the time. She's walked on the balls of her feet since she began walking, and I sooooo hope she does it forever and ever.

6. My girl plays hard, sleeps hard. She is my gold star, fan-freaking-tastic, NO MAINTENANCE sleeper. She goes down for naps and bed without any problem (knocking on a huge piece of wood here), and has since she was a wee one. She's seleriously a rockstar in this department. 

7. She luuuurvs her siblings and wants them around always.

8. Did I mention she loves them?? (Though she may perhaps, kinda sorta play a teensie bit rough.)

9. No harm, no foul, though (mostly). There's no love lost. And most of the time, she's happy to mimick Chica's words and actions these days--for better and worse.

10. And lastly (for tonight, at least, 'cause I could make a list of a million-trillion things I love about this child), her dimple just SLAYS me. She's got just the one on that right cheek, and the sight of it every day--as often as I can make it appear--is like my crack. I gotta have it.

I seriously, SERIOUSLY love my middle born. And as traumatic as it will be when Chica starts preschool (I kid, I kid...kind of ;) I will love having just a teeny-tiny bit more time to devote to this little one as she expands her curious mind.

I'm sooooo blessed by my three babies. And now, please enjoy some final, gratuitous Chicklet shots. Over and out.

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