Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Weekend At Nanna's

Holy, ever-loving, for the love, Halleluiah!

It's taken me three days, two apps, countless technical failures and random re-starts/glitches to post these pictures and wrap up the weekend's posts! I mean, seriously, a trial in patience.

But...the girlies had such a lovely time at Nanna's this weekend that I wanted to power through and finish the post. So here we are.


In general, our visits to Tulsa to see all three grandparents are too few and far between at this stage.

As anyone with young kids knows, it's just hard. But since the kiddos adore their time with their grandparents, and being on someone's else's turf is always a great adventure when you're young, we try when possible.

The silver lining--or perhaps light at the end of the travel tunnel--is that the girls successfully slept in the same room for the first time. And by "successful," I mean we only had one night of corralling and supervision and simmering down to deal with around 3 am when they woke one another up. But the second night, they were so dang exhausted, they slept right through.

So here's hoping traveling with our trio will truly get easier at some point--though, realistically, I think we've got another year or two before it will really feel that way.




Okay, now, this last pic is enough of a milestone to deserve its own post, but, well, Mama's tired! So I'll just say: we took the girlies to their first movie on Saturday--Finding Dory--while Nanna was on nap duty with Little Man, and it was all the fun I'd hoped it would be. They weren't scared, they sat well, and we spent more on food than on the tickets. Victory!

Okay, peace out peeps! Nighty, night :)

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