Tuesday, August 2, 2016

44 Weeks & The Toothy/Scrunchy Grin

Helloooooo, peeps, from the tale end of one helluva Tuesday.

Oye, oye, oye, oye, oye. (And can I get an oye?)

I don't know what it is, but these last couple of weeks have been kicking my heiney. Repeatedly.

Dog days of summer? Ready for a change in activities? Pool chlorine gettin' to the head? Good ole sleep deprevation (I'm pointing at you, my teething boy) taking its toll?

Whatever the case may be. Mama's done worn out. And the schedule ain't lightening up at all in the foreseeable future.

Oh well. Sleep is overrated (if I type it enough, I just might believe it.) Especially when you've got plenty of smiles on beautiful faces around you all day long.

'Cause don't you know...smiles right all sorts of wrongs that ail you :)

And speaking of smiles...

My beautiful boy has long had a standard, awesomesauce, couldn't-be-more-adorable-unless-he-was-holding-a-puppy smile that's all sorts of open-mouthed happiness. See, Exibit A:

I mean, perfection, amiright, or amiright?

But he's recently added a second, equally as awesomesauce, but far goofier smile that we're calling the toothy grin ('cause it perfectly shows off his spaced-out toothers):

He gifts Daddy with this smile most often, and especially busts it one out whilst eating. But the very best part of the toothy grin is a little something extra that I'll call the scrunch, that he adds in for flair:

And as it so happens, his Mama used to perfect the scrunch back in the day, too (along with 80's hair, thankyouverymuch):

Little Man scrunch:

Mama scrunch:

Looks like we're related, yes? ;)

I'm just lovin' this grin, and so is Daddy. It's wildly contagious--and that's a good thing, when dealing with the sleep deprivation.

Love my crazy cute boy.

And for bonus smiles tonight...some good old-fashioned sleeping shots :)

Wish us all some better shuteye tonight, my peeps!

Over and out.

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