Monday, August 22, 2016

47 Weeks

My Little Man is getting soooo close to the year mark that it's scary!

And for the record--it's so not fair for a Mama to deal with the first day of school for her eldest, and the impending numero uno birthday of her youngest in such a short time span! Not fair, I tell ya!

But there is a super-exciting development going on of late--and that's the increasing bonding between Little Man and Chicklet.

As the eldest, Chica has always grabbed the reigns in regards to brother interaction. And Chicklet has been happy to either mimick her sister, beat brother up (accidentally) or just go about her business independently.

But lately, in large part to her huge development spurt of late, Chicklet has been taking a growing interest of her own.

Don't get me wrong--she's still mostly beating him up a bit. But there's new love there :)

And I can't wait to see how these two, who are so close in age, further that bond during the time when Chica is at school.

Everything has its season, m'peeps.

And I think this Fall will be a season of more bonding (and beating up, naturally).

Happy Day Before Chica's First Day of Preschool

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