Saturday, August 27, 2016

Chica's Second Day

Well, peeps. We did it.

Second day of preschool down (and only about a gazillion more school days in her lifetime to go, ha).

The Report:

Pre-Drop Off...

Chica woke by happily declaring it a school day. Still, she made no bones about the fact that she was sad I'd be leaving her (my girl is a fan of her emotions). But she was appeased by my reassurances and calm about going. heart about burst when we pulled into the parking lot and her little lips quivered and a couple tears spilled down her cheeks. Ironically, they weren't dramatic tears or even overly sad ones; it was almost as if she just had so many thoughts and emotions coursing through her body that some had to spill up and out.

I'm so proud to report that she was a very happy camper after some snuggles and assurances, and walked into her classroom without even a backward glance, and all was well :)

Now I swear I won't post every picture I receive from the school, every day she's there from here on after. But...while it's still so new and the teachers are indulging me with a bunch, you'll have to indulge me, too ;)

Okay, these are hilarious. They do preschool yoga on occasion, and it couldn't be cuter.

Chica's downward dog seems to have gotten the better of her, ha.

I'm not gonna lie--I'm wildly impressed with all those kiddos' forms! I cannot wait to see Chica acing these moves like a pro before long, hehe. (For now, I'm pretty sure she's thinking: What the...?)

Look how stinking adorable she is doing her show and tell...

Okay, now the awesome part of this Day 2 experience: while Chica was busy gettin' her school on, Chicklet, Little Man and I had some wonderful quality time. 

We went on an hour-long walk to the pond, stopping to look at every rock, bug, dog, neighbor and blade of grass. It was heavenly. If a tad hot.

And then, when we got home, we just played, played, played upstairs. It was all at once weird and awesomesauce and sad and amazing to only divide my attention two ways instead of three.

We didn't turn on a TV or an iPad or glance at an electronic device, we just had fun. And I truly felt the possibilities that will open up for us as we take advantage of this time while Chica is expanding her horizons.

It was all smiles, all around.

After Pick-Up...

Now, the most hilarious part of the day came after we went back for Chica.

She was ridiculously smiley when we got her, and super chatty on the way home (as opposed to the first day, when she was fairly worn out and quiet).

But her first report made me realize just what a riot and challenge it's going to be translating all of her school day reports. 

For example--I was about to light a torch and grab my pitchfork when she talked about an "orange shirt boy" that shoved her. I was even pulling up the classroom pictures and saying, "show me this boy." (Don't poke mama bear!)

But about fifteen minutes of grilling later, I'd uncovered the true story (no shoving of my Chica involved, ha) and got a chuckle out of the way a four-year-old's brain works.

It's awesome.

And a challenge.

(And, ironically, that's how I'd describe these early days of preschool, too).

So glad we've ripped the bandage off our first official week and are that much closer to attaining our new normal!

Happy Weekend, peeps :)

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