Saturday, August 6, 2016

Snoozing Transitions Little Man is (inevitably, despite all my best efforts) growing into a big boy--with sleep patterns to match.

Which means: 

1. For some time now, he's been boycotting his morning naps. So it's really gotten to the point that it's almost better if he just holds out until afternoon and then passes out.

And (cue the weeping for this one)...

2. He's sleeping pretty soundly most afternoons, solo, in his crib (read: no Mama snuggles), while I'm left crying my bloody eyes out, staring at the baby monitors, wondering how--how??--all three of my once itty bitty infants have grown so old!

This is a tough one, peeps. A tough one :(

It's one of my least favorite transitions when my babies get old enough I have to phase out the snuggle sleeping because they're aware enough they just want to play, play, play (and squirm) with Mama instead of get some shut eye.

But, yes, sure, fine, whatever, I'm aware that it's important for their growth and independence and development, blah, blah, blahbitty blah. Pfft.

Screw independence. I WANT MY ITTY BITTY BABIES (is what one hormonal mother might say...but certainly not me. Nope, I'll hold it together.)

And I'll do my best to greet my rockstar napping son when we wakes in the afternoon looking all rumpled and pink-cheeked, and so presh-us, I just wanna gobble him up.

But in other related, God-knows-a-hormonal-mother-when-he-sees-one-and-throws-her-a-bone news:

Remember when I mentioned last Sunday that I totally fell asleep with Chica on her bed when I put her down for her nap?

Well...she's been asking for another round of me snoozing not with her ever since, ha. And today, with the other two kiddos already asleep, and the hubby off to get four new tires put on my car (a depressing thing I did not plan on doing when I woke up this morning), I totally indulged.

And she and I had the best nap ever

I woke up in a giant pond of my own slobber (and I only do that when I am passed OUT).

How ironic and wonderful and hilarious and blessed to have this tiny reminder that (lots of) kids still love snuggles as they age.

All is not lost for this hormonal Mama.

Now if only Chicklet would let me in on her nap time, I could just rotate amongst my trio so they can be mostly independent, but never have to be.


I think so.


Over and out, peeps.

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