Thursday, August 4, 2016

Therapeutic Stained Glass

I don't know what it is about these dang stained glass projects that make everything seem A-okay in our chaotic little household, but every time we bust one out, a good time is had by all.

And today was no exception.

(Cue Halleluiah chorus.)

The girlies were totally into it, and just giggly happy about doing a project, in general.

And, I'm not gonna lie--so was Mama :)

In fact, the project was extra-specially lovely, as it was smack dab in the middle of a purposefully low-key morning. 

We got donuts for breakfast and ate them whilst enjoying a movie (Finding Nemo, if you're curious). And then we moseyed on upstairs for some blissfully awesomesauce unplugged play time. Emphasis on the unplugged.

And look how far we got before we even paused for a small Make-Silly-Faces-With-Little-Man break:

He was such a happy little playroom explorer all dang day. (Thank you, God, for that wonderful blessing.)

And his sisters are still as obsessed with him (and messing with him, ha) as ever--which is the greatest thing in the world.

I'm sad that I think this is the last of these stained glass projects that exists (at least through this particular brand). We've tapped them out at six (or is it seven?), I think. Priceless project mojo, I tell ya. (And is it me, or does Mike the Monster seem to be enjoying it, too?)

So grateful for this day of good, old-fashioned play. Gotta love a day when you make it nearly to dinner in your PJs.

Only downside to so much indoor, awesomesauce play? A playroom that looked like a toy bomb exploded.

But hey, at least it was a toy-bombed playroom with fully functioning curtains again, after the full removal and rehanging of rods last weekend. (For the record: kiddos swinging like Tarzan from curtain sheers tends to rip mounts right outta the drywall. Justincaseyouwerewondering.)

Peace out, peeps.

And for the love of all that is holy am I happy tomorrow's Friday!

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