Thursday, September 8, 2016

49 Weeks

So...I'm a teensy bit late this week with Little Man's pics, but I know you'll forgive me 'cause he's so. dang. cute (as always).

I can't even process the fact that in THREE SHORT WEEKS, he's going to be a one-year-old.


Stop growing. Stop growing. STOP GROWING! (You, too, Chica!)

And you, three, my precocious Chicklet!

In related I-can't-stop-them-from-getting-bigger news--we transferred Little Man to his big boy car seat. Woohoo!

I think he digs it :)

But I might have to type a separate post about the insane bout of hormonal nostalgia I had tonight when I put his infant car seat out to pasture. Call me crazy (and I am), but I kinda feel like that darn thing sort of deserves its own send-off, ha.

More mañana about the last day of our trip when I'm a little more recovered from the craziness and the sick ick that's been chasing me for a few days now.

Over and out, peeps.

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