Saturday, September 10, 2016

Still Recovering, But Game Ready

Well...this post-trip re-entry into the real world is kicking our whole family's backside.

We're all sick--with the exception of Daddy, who will likely cave to the constant onslaught of germy-germs sometime around, oh, Monday, when he has to return to work. Booooo.

I finally relented and went to the doctor for real drugs. And then, ironically, those real drugs made me sick ('cause I'm a lightweight now after four plus years of constant pregnancies and nursing that's restricted my intake of the good stuff). 

But...we've still managed to enjoy the final days of our lovely week together.

It's just been a little snotty.

With the slightly sad but also adorable and awwww-inducing side-effect of overly sleepy babes whose bodies are trying to recover.

Like tonight, when Chicklet fell asleep in the car on the way to pick-up dinner. And stayed passed out for two parental transfers until Mama finally had to be the bad guy to wake her so she could eat.

Look how much Daddy was enjoying the sleepy snuggles:

In other, not-really-related news--since we were out of town last weekend for the first OU game of the season, we didn't get to show our team spirit (and that's why they lost).

So we made up for it today, since we spent a decent chunk of our day at home and had time for hilarious, forced photos of slightly cranky--or maybe just delirious--kiddos ;)

Love my fam.

Snot and all.

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