Tuesday, November 1, 2016

A(Nother) Pain In The Ear

My poor, poor Chicklet was down and out again today.

For the love of all that is holy, I cannot for the life of me get this household healthy!

I'm just gonna dip each one of my little nuggets in Lysol the second they cross the threshold.

And maybe buy some bubble suits.

And enough hand sanitizer to fill an Olympic-size pool.

And enough Kleenex to eradicate all the snot in the Northern hemisphere.

But in the meantime...I'll try not to find joy in the snuggles that my girl needs while she's not feeling well. Because finding joy in her pain would make me a terrible, horrible, rotten, no good, very bad Mama. And I don't wanna be one of those.

But, oh, the snuggles. She needs me. And I'll do anything for that adorable widdle face!

Wish us a good night's rest, peeps.

Oh, and after a doctor's visit, I can confirm she's officially got another ear infection to go with her fever and chills and congestion. :( Amazing she made it through Halloween before succumbing, yes?

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