Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Our Snake Project

So...I'm gonna try really hard to ignore the obvious jokes about completing a snake project on Election Day. (But just know they're banging around in my head, just dying to come out.)

Instead, I'm just gonna take the high road--and a breather from the crazy, split-decision coverage I'm watching--to show you said snake (project, not politician, hehe).

For the record, this one is a cutie.

And also, a non-threatening, muted pink color.

So we named her Rose.

And Chica declared her to have five babies in her snake belly.

Which she eventually birthed (all girls, in case you were curious), and we named them, too (though, not all girl names, ha).

Aaaaand, that was a lot o' information about our snake before you saw any pictures of it.

Blame my muddled election brain.

Which merged with my muddled Daylight Savings brain.

To form one giant, muddled brain, that is the exact opposite of a super-brain.

Aaaaand, here we go--our beloved, monthly Koala Crate, that I busted out while Chica was at school, so that Chicklet could get a little special craft time.

We started with the stuffing...

And after a bit of finagling was necessary (and the use of our instrument stick to shove some stuffing down a bit), I lost Chicklet to some, ahem, bathroom needs of hers.

But by the time she was done with her business, I was done with the stuffing, and I lured her back for stickers, and this fun, snake-tongue bit.

Hehe...she thought it was a riot; Little Man thought it was terrifying (the tongue bit, that is).

In the end, Chicklet got a little sticker-distracted, choosing instead to decorate brother.

But for all her distracted moments, I was oddly pleased to see her stake a claim on Rose when Chica returned home from school. A tiny sign she dug her. ;)

My eyeballs are tired, peeps, so nighty night. Can't wait to see what the electoral map shows come morning!

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