Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The Pink Lady and White Lady (Trees)!

So...it's wasn't exactly part of my Operation Chill plan to start busting out Christmas decorations this week.

But when you pass a neighbor whose yard is already lit up with reindeer and your child asks, "if they have decorations, can we have some, too?" you answer with a big, fat YES! 

So yesterday, we put up the playroom tree (which, for some sweet, unknown reason, is always the very first thing we get out). And here are oodles of pics of various stages.

We had to take a brief intermission to run to Target during lunch for new Christmas lights for it, since last year's were all three kaput. But who doesn't love a trip to Tar-jay? ;)

And, adorably, Chicklet took my descriptor of Christmas tree skirt quite literally. :)

I totally expected Little Man to bring the whole thing crashing down immediately, if not sooner, but so far, he's been fairly tame. He's probably just playing it cool until I lower my guard and then he'll make his big move, ha.

No better sight, I tell ya.

Our favorite new ornament, hehe.

Although Princess Merida is Chicklet's very favorite.

Like, very favorite. 

I love this shot that Chica took of sissy while I was putting brother down for his nap. So, dang sweet.

I luuuuuuuurv seeing the Christmas joy start to light up their eyes. Best. Ever.

And, now, for the awesomesauce new addition to our Christmas tree family (that really deserves its own post), I give you...The Pink Lady!

Please note, we put this up today around dusk, so these pics are kind of terrible, since we were losing the light. And now, I'm losing brain cells to exhaustion, so I'll take better pics tomorrow, m'kay? M'kay.

In case it's not obvious, it's a pink mannequin tree. (Insert happy, happy, joy, joy applause).

Since she's officially know in our casa as The Pink Lady now, Chica dubbed the playroom tree The White Lady. :)

Love, love, love our gals...and can't wait for the rest of the decoration explosion to come!

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