Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Leaf The Elf

We have an elf.

His name (chosen by Chica) is Leaf .

He appeared three days ago after our neighborhood visit with Santa (more on that later when I sort through the pics).

Already, Leaf has been having a grand ole time while we sleep.

Yesterday morning, we found him swinging from the lamp post.

Then today, he was burrowed into a coffee mug with a peppermint patty. From the wrapper evidence and the chocolate on his face, it looks like he had a few while we were asleep.

I know we're not supposed to mess with him during the day, lest it mess with his magic, but Chica really wanted to clean his face off for him, so I let her :)

You know, my eldest is a thinker. And she asked me yesterday afternoon after apparently mulling it over for awhile if Leaf was just a decoration.

So I had to explain to her that Leaf is just like Doc McStuffins' toys. He plays when people aren't around and then has to "go stuffed" when we appear. And that's why we catch him in these funny situations.

She's pretty excited to see him tomorrow. I think she likes that he's a little mischievous.

I already spied him on the kitchen counter, cozied up in one of my socks...

Knitting a warm scarf for himself.

Apparently, Uncle Justin, the rockstar that he is, taught Leaf to knit. Sooooo nice of him, yes?


We love our new family Elf, and we're so glad he gets to stay until Christmas

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