It all started at the grocery store with the cakes...

And then the girlies picked out some sunglasses at Tar-jay...

And, finally, we busted out our inaugural Valentine's project yesterday. Woohoo!
It was just a simple lovebirds ornament (to hang on our morphed-from-Christmas-tree-to-Valentine's-tree in the playroom). But the girlies totally dug it, and the end result was super cute.

Chicklet was straight up from her nap and still clinging to her paci.

But soon, the lure of the sequins gave me the chance to snag it without her notice. Muhahaha (evil, sneaky Mama laugh).

And speaking of nap time...look how curly my Chica's hair got during her snoozing. When she gets toasty covered up by her blanket, the curls appear :)

So, in summary: yay for a changing of the holiday guard!
And, HAPPY WEEKEND, peeps!
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