Monday, January 2, 2017

(Catch-up Post) Holiday Projects

Next holiday wrap-up:

All the merry, little projects we sprinkled in between other crazy/fun/hectic events of the season.

Added bonus--lots of our little projects were repurposed as gifts for friends and family.

This first one, I might have already posted about. It was a cute, easy snowman project that Chica really enjoyed. And a couple of the snowmen were wrapped up along with gift cards that went to her school teachers. :)

These giant acorns are some of our favorite treasures to gather on our Fall walks. So one afternoon, we busted out the glitter paint and made them extra fancy.

Another day, I pulled out a couple blank canvases, lovely stencils, and again, our favorite glitter paint, and the results were wonderful. I wish I'd taken some pics of the final canvases, as both the girlies did a beautiful job. And one of the them was gifted to Chica's bestest-ever dance teacher.

Another day, we painted some star cutouts, added some nifty, smaller metal stars as an overlay, and turned them into ornaments. We gifted two to Grandpa, and Chica hung the other two on our living room tree.

And lastly, this was a super-cool chocolate bowl project that used balloons as molds.

The girlies were excellent taste-testers during the dipping...

And the end result was so cool.

I've already got grand plans for another round of these, now that we learned some tips and tricks (particularly about the popping of the balloon to free the mold). I think white chocolate ones decorated with fun sprinkles would be soooo beautiful.

Another project for another day (and year)!


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