Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Foil Art Fun

So, we've had a major project victory 'round these parts. A craft both girlies really dug--and went back to more than once.

It's a little foil art Melissa & Doug kit (sorry, I wasn't quick enough to take a pic before we dug in) that we've actually done once before--as entertainment on our last plane ride--also with great success.

It's easy, straightforward, and with beautiful results that both girlies were so proud of yesterday.

Heeere's Chica's gecko:

And Chicklet's parrot (she wasn't into posing with it; just a drive-by, ha):

But she came 'round and posed a teeny bit eventually:

They were so proud of them, they hauled them in the car when we went for lunch with Daddy so they could show him. :)

And Chica literally carried hers everywhere for the rest of the day.
So I was not at all surprised when she wanted to do another one today after her siblings were down for naps, before she had to join their ranks.

Fun fact: Chica does a jazz-hand pose when she holds up her crafts for pics these days, and I have no clue why, and totally don't wanna know, 'cause it makes me smile. :)

And something else that makes me smile??

This pic of her napping with her project on top of her. (Though, technically, she was only fake napping). I mean. I love this kid.

For the record, Chicklet also completed a second one today, I just wasn't quick enough to snag a pic.

So, yay, for double-duty project victories!

Happy Tuesday, peeps!


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