Thursday, January 26, 2017

Not Firing On All Cylinders

My babies are not operating at full capacity this week.

They've not been overly sick, but they've not been great, either. And Little Man's low-grade fever of Mon/Tues that I thought was teething has now been passed to my Chicklet and become a medium-grade fever. And I discovered a couple kids in Chica's class have been out with the flu this week.

:('s appointment in the morning, it is.

But even without a doctor's opinion, I'd know my babies aren't too swell when...

Chicklet sits like this in one spot for any length of time:

Or when she falls asleep in the car:

Or when Little Man isn't starving for breakfast, and then looks like this during Chica's school drop-off:

Or when my eldest (who's healthiest of them all at this point) wants to really snuggle at nap time instead of con me into more Leap Pad time:

Glad tomorrow's Friday so Daddy can help me spread around the love. The youngest two have been fighting over Mama's lap!

Nighty, night, peeps.

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