Sunday, February 5, 2017

Back In The Saddle--er, Seat

So...I'm not gonna bore you with our ongoing tail of viral woe.

Instead, I'll just give you a short and sweet synopsis of the time since my last post: two steps forward; one step back.

The ick has been brutal in its resurgences. Just when I let my guard down, one of the kiddos has another episode. So I'm hesitant to say that--10 days after the first child threw up--we've finally ended the cycle. But I'm seriously, seriously hopeful.

Because my trio really really wants to feel better--and so do I.

Thankfully, we've made some tiny excursions over the last couple of days, for the sake of fresh freaking air. And I'm hopeful this week will be a fresh one for everybody to build back up their stamina.

Some positive signs:

The number of smiles increased a bit today...

And so did the appetites...

A very, very slow (particularly for Chicklet) bike ride was possible (our first in 10 days, I think!)...

And, some family Super Bowl watching was possible without major meltdowns...

(The following photo credits go to a playful Chicklet, hehe.)

So here's to the start of a new (please please pleeeeease be) healthier week!

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