Sunday, March 5, 2017

Beautiful Sunday Babies

This weekend was full of:

1. Happy family time
2. Allergy-ridden children (hello, Spring)
3. Hellacious meals out (hello, Little Man)
4. Oh, and happy family time

But since I'm tired and I've got a list o' chores still left to complete tonight, I'll just give you oodles of pics of my favorite bits of the weekend.

First up--my gorgeous babies dolled up for church. Aaaaand...Little Man's first tie!

I totally thought he'd try to yank it off, but, no. He didn't mess with it at all, the handsome devil (emphasis on devil, this weekend, ha).

And I absolutely adore this shot of my trio:

And, holding hands in the backseat. :)

In other silly they are yesterday, being cute and crazy with their Icee and red tongues while running errands. ;(

Our crew is loud and crazy and insane, and I love it.

And I also love the rainy, Sunday afternoon nap I got to take with my Chica. A blessing.

Hope everyone had a lovely weekend.

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