Monday, March 27, 2017


So...we powered through a weekend of forced restoration.

Meaning: we continued about our routine-ish, but kept the kiddos from becoming too wild and crazy and kept them indoors for the most part.

Oye. Tough to do on such a lovely weekend!

But last night, on the way home from a quasi-patio dinner, we managed to give them the next-best thing to outdoor freedom: windows and sun-roof down, with wind in their hair. :)

In case you can't tell from the pics, the music was thumping, the smiles were ginormous, and they were in heaven

Mission accomplished.

And then today...we had a good day.

I finally feel like we've all turned the corner (myself included), and are getting back to normal. Play, projects, lunch with Daddy, restorative naps (for everyone!), and, at long last, a bike ride and outdoor shenanigans! Woohoo!
Happy, happy, joy, joy.

More tomorrow on the fun Easter eggs we started decorating today.

Over and out, peeps!

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