Thursday, March 23, 2017

Rollin' With The Punches

So...I've been a little quiet on this here blog for the past few days because the sick ick has taken its hold on the household again.

(Pause while you imagine me sobbing theatrically into my hands.)

So, yes, I could sit here and type about the snowball of one falling ill and then the others following suit.

Or, I could tell you about the yucky feeling of hauling them all to the doctor and receiving diagnoses I didn't even realize were brewing (hello, my silent sufferer, Chicklet, who had an ear infection just like her sister but hadn't made a peep. And, hello, Chica with the ick gone to her chest when I thought she was the healthiest of the trio).


But...instead, I'm going to share about the difficulty (I have) of rolling with the punches when it just isn't in the plans (though, when is it ever??).

First, though, look at these pictures of my under-the-weather babes.

Okay, back to the punches.

I have no doubt this is a challenge for parents the world over, but this particular round of sickness this particular week has been difficult for me to mentally roll with.

We had so many birthday activities and small little plans that were foiled, a grandparent in town for a non-lively visit (though, of course, grandparents always love any visit), another set of grandparents planning to come but told to abort, and a family excursion for the weekend that had to be canceled altogether without a chance to reschedule.

I mean, booooo.

It's hard sometimes.

At least for me, because I'm an uber-planner--especially for birthdays and what not--and it's hard not to get a little blue when your babies feel terrible, you don't feel great, and a lot of forethought has been for naught (hehe, that sort of rhymed). summary: the sick ick sucks.

And, yep, I said sucks this time even though I don't love that word.

But I think I had my mental low point Tuesday, and the kiddos (hopefully) had their health low-point yesterday, so I'm hoping for baby steps toward regrouping.

AND (this is a big and) the end of the day, we are sooooo blessed to have these three (generally) healthy, active kiddos who just happen to be in their immunity-building years. And the rest will sort itself out.

And...cookies help.

Especially with more icing that morally responsible. 

P.S. Please enjoy this picture of my immaculate shirt yesterday after the snot and sucker drool and who knows what else that landed on me during our doctor's visit.

Over and out.


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