Sunday, April 23, 2017

Our Weekend--Fails and All

We spent such a fun family weekend just chillin' and playin' and...attempting a family movie with all five of us. 

Aspirational? Yup.

But still a bit fun? You bet.

Here we are all, very hopeful before we dove in...

And here we are, settled in for the previews...

We went with a movie house where we could dine-in, in the hope that food would distract Little Man enough to keep quiet.


How naive of us.

We made it through the previews (with the assistance of three consecutive suckers), and then it sort of went downhill from there.

The hubby and I took turns taking him for walks to the lobby, but about an hour into the movie, when Little Man was still too squirmy to sit, and Chicklet was faux whispering way too loud, we decided to bail, ha.

Someday soon, we'll try again.

And for the record, I think it would've been more successful if we would have tried with an animated movie instead of the Born in China nature one we went for. I mean. We've successfully made it through two animated movies with just the girls. Little Man is just the novice.

But still. It was fun to go for it. And...we got these fun post-movie pics from this kiosk in the lobby, hehe.

Then today, we did our usual breakfast, church, grocery, nap routine and it was lovely. And then our post-naptime outdoor play was heavenly. Like, blissful.

Perfect weather. Perfect fading early-evening night.

And just look at my hilarious babies when I asked them to take a picture.

Here's what I got from Chica:

And when I told Chicklet to say "cheese," she turned around and flashed me her tushy.

I love my crazy family an insane amount.

And I'm so grateful for a happy, beautiful Spring weekend.

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