Tuesday, April 18, 2017

The Circle of (Sibling) Life

So...we have this fun set of stackable flowers that the kiddos love to play with. (I mean, who doesn't love a couple dozen tiny pieces that can build a garden in infinite ways??)

But yesterday, when we busted them out, I had a major Mama moment watching my trio interact.

Because it was only a few short months ago that Chicklet gleefully destroyed all of Chica's creations. And now, Little Man is destroying Chicklet's.

It was so awesome and funny to watch this turn of fair play.


I've been having a month or two of major reflection regarding my brood and our collective life stage.

Because, as crazy as it sounds, for more than five years I've been pregnant or breastfeeding with no break at all in between rounds. And I've never made it to the age that Little Man is now, without being heavily pregnant--or just having given birth to another.


It's been both freeing and a little unsettling to get to this my-youngest-is-nineteen-months-old stage and not have to face the reset button of accommodating a newborn in the house.

From this point forward, my trio gets to grow and change and age.

And my body gets to grow (or, wouldn't it be lovely if it didn't, ha?) and change and age, without accommodating the demands of growing or feeding another human being.

It's strange, I tell ya.

And, also, a bit lovely, even if I'm still adjusting to the thought of moving forward from these pregnancy years.

The circle of life is wonderful, I tell ya. And I'm excited to see what the next few months look like as my brood ages a bit more and interacts on ways I don't even know about yet.


Over and out, peeps!

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