Thursday, May 18, 2017

Chica's Preschool Graduation

Oh. My. Goodness. I don't think there's anything cuter than a preschooler in a cap and gown.

And when they're my preschooler in a cap and gown?


Stick a fork in me, I'm done.

Today, at at Chica's Pre-K graduation, they sang hilarious songs like I'm A Little Graduate and Dynamite and got their little diplomas, and it was all just so. darn. cute.

And as if that wasn't enough to get my good, old hormones a-weepin', it was the open house "round-up" event this evening at Chica's elementary school for the Fall!

We went. We met the teachers. We toured the school and the classrooms. And Chica had a blast. Kindergarten, heeeeeere we come!

All good things, m'peeps. All good things.




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