Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Dance Class Costume Day--2017


So, I've installed a new app that allows me to post properly from my phone since I just don't wanna wait around for the old one to fix itself anymore!

Only challenge: forcing this old dog to learn new tricks. Ha.

I'm hoping it will be fairly easy to adapt to a new pp, but I've already accidentally posted things before I was ready, and it will take me awhile to re-train my trigger typing fingers to go with this new flow!


And what better day to have pics than the day that Chica's dance class received their costumes for the upcoming Recital (wooohooo!!!)?

They're dancing to "Part of Your World" from The Little Mermaid, so the costumes they ended up with are adorably perfect! And we're extra-special thrilled to have these particular ones because, for awhile, it appeared as if they were discontinued, and the alternative costume just wasn't as cute (and had no nifty jewel accents, like this one).

So...drum roll, puh-lease:



Okay...clearly still learning. Accidentally posted that with more pics to go. I'll get the hang of it eventually.

A couple things to note: the always-amazing dance teacher gifted each girl with a treasure box full of goodies--and even gave one to Chicklet, too.

And since I was also keen to not let Chicklet feel left out of the tutu/sequins fun, I purchased a costume for her, as well, from the dance studio's surplus supply.

And it is beyond adorable with rainbow sequins on the bodice and a GINORMOUS hair bow. 

If I were more skilled with this app, this post would be a little more smooth with captions and pictures, but for now, just take the rest of the pics and I'll get better as I learn!

Okay...over and out.


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