Friday, May 5, 2017

In A Life Far, Far Away..., my crazy trio and I met Daddy for lunch (which, as you know, is uber routine and wonderful for us).

But, there was one major shakeup to that routine today--the fact that we also met up with two former colleagues of mine (and one of those colleague's kiddo).

These ladies were collectively a major presence in my final couple of years working for the ad agency, and I can remember how acute the separation from them felt when I left my job.

But, despite our attempts to keep constant changes (shocker, I know!).

Thinking back to that first time I met them for lunch when Chica was just a few weeks old and comparing it to today is like night and day. 

Not because any of us have changed personality-wise. But because our lives have changed.

And I gotta say--I could not, not, not be happier with where my life is today.

Trying to put myself into the mindset of my old job to remember names and clients and things that I used to care about, that, quite frankly, are just passing wisps of thought to me know, was just downright foreign.

So the point of my rambling: I still adore the small group of my former colleagues that I keep in touch with (and it makes my heart happy to see them face-to-face), and I'm so proud of the professional life I had and the track record I left behind.


I am so beyond blessed to be home with my children and doing exactly what gives me the greatest joy and purpose and fulfillment these days.

And I would be thrilled to know that those I love are gifted with the same--no matter what that is; home life, work life, love life, any kind of life.

As long as it's a happy one.


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