Tuesday, May 16, 2017


It's a truth universally acknowledged that there are two actions a toddler can weaponize:

1. Bathroom habits (or rather, refusal of)
2. Sleep (or lack thereof)

So...five days in from The Paci Fairy's appearance and removal of Chicklet's pacis, I am beyond proud to report that she has slept every night straight through, without a hitch, just like normal.

Can I get a hallelujah, puh-lease???

I mean, seriously. A miracle.

And now, can I get a...


She has not taken a single nap in those five days, as she just can't seem to settle her manic daytime energy without that dang paci.

So she's essentially gone from napping nearly every day to not at all.

And lemme tell ya--cold turkey just ain't gonna cut it.

I've been there and done it. With Chica. At the identical age. But for slightly different reasons than paci withdrawal.

And it was hell.

For months.

It spiraled into terrible behavior, household disruptions, night terrors, exhaustion, frustration, crankiness (and Chica experienced some of those things along with me, hehe).

So...I'm hoping against all hope that, given a bit more time for Chicklet to adjust, she will default to napping more often than not, and then gradually phasing them out...as is healthier for everyone involved.

Until then, we're a bunch of crazies in our house for the past few days. A true bundle o' trouble (because I think Little Man has taken on a case of sympathetic crankiness. Either that, or he's cutting molars.)



We're wiser parents this go-around and are shifting bedtime up a bit to accommodate for the sudden sleep deprivation and unhinged behavior.

And...we're focusing on the nighttime victory. 'Cause that's major.

Stay tuned for updates.


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