Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The Bug Continues

Well, m'peeps.

In case you can't tell, I'm continuing to have some technical difficulties with my blogging app.

I fixed the problem that prevented me from posting at all. But now I'm prevented from posting pictures. And, let's face it, that's pretty much what we're all here for, amiright???

So...after trying everything I can possibly thing off, I'm just going to have to wait it out for a day or two and see if it's fixed on the app side of things. And if not...well, I NEVER have the chance to bust out my actual computer to post and it takes double the time to do so (which I just don't have), so I'd attempt to find another app to use.

So stay tuned. Be patient (I love how that sounds as if you're just chomping at the bit to see new content, when, really, nobody's probably reading this right now, hehe).

And in the meantime, since I'm posting this from my computer to verify that pictures post directly from the google platform, here are the pics of Chica as a baby and Chica a couple months ago that I submitted to her school for her little graduation ceremony.


And love ALL my babies in their tiny forms and growing forms.

Over and out.

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