Thursday, June 1, 2017

Dance Class Swim Fun

Helloooooo, peeps, and happy Thursday!

It's been an uber random week 'round our casa with Daddy still on vacation from work but out of commission from a tiny procedure, plus things truly transitioning into SUMMER.

It's been busy and tiring--hence the radio silence on this here blog--but at least a nice break from the norm of our routine, for which I'm grateful!

I'm planning on posting later today or tomorrow a bunch of tiny tidbits I've saved up to share. (You know, one of those ridiculous posts of mine that just seem like a ginormous run-on sentence, ha.) But for now, I'll get you caught up on our week through these pictures taken yesterday.

It was a combined baby shower/end-of-year party for our dance class group. And if ever there was a question about my kiddos' swim interest this summer, I think we can safely say it's going to be at an all time high. 

Next week, we'll officially start up our summer pool membership at the gym we use solely for the splashing, ha. And--heaven help us all (and by us, I mean ME)--swim classes also begin. 

Sunscreen and puddle jumpers, heeeere we come!

Oh, and just some commentary: the party yesterday was at Miss Anna's house, as always. She's hands-dish the most giving dance teacher in the world. So kind to cater to all of the kiddos as she does!


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