Saturday, June 3, 2017

Post-Paci Apocalypse

So...we're officially three weeks and three days post paci removal, and Chicklet has not taken a single nap since those suckers (pun intended) were taken by that damn Paci Fairy.

I repeat: Not one, single nap.

And might I remind you, she was napping nearly every day pre-Paci Fairy, and now, not at all. Like, not even a little bit. Not one, single snooze.

So to say that our household is a little more unstable these days, given the cold-turkey napping situation, would be a wild understatement.

Worse, yet, I think the instability and sleep deprivation are contagious, as all three kiddos are adorable and hilarious but full on nuts these days.

Enter...Exhibit A:


I don't think they could be any cuter.

Like, it's not humanly possible.

But they were delirious and literally just laughing like maniacs over nothing but silly screaming noises they were emitting. 

Did I mention the nuts? Crazy bonkers, I tell ya.

Oh, and for kicks and giggles...Exhibit B:


Yup. That's Chica passed out just a few minutes prior to the hysterical laughing. And she's not even the one who lost her pacis! She's just extra tired these days (though, of course, never napping).

Maybe she's growing?? ;)

And lastly, Exhibit C:


My unstable Little Man, who experiences all of the emotional colors of the rainbow every five minutes or so. 

Have I mentioned he's also a little crazy, despite steady naps (please, dear Heavenly Father, do not take those away from me!)?

So in summary:

I have three crazy kiddos.

Two of them are wildly tired.

It is unlikely they will simultaneously nap, ever again.

The End.

Oh, but one last sleep-related tidbit on this lovely Saturday evening...

My beautiful boy in his new PJs:


I thought he might be getting a little warm in his long sleeved, footed PJs these days, so I came across these and gave 'em a whirl. Didn't think they'd be long enough since he's a bean stalk for his age, but they fit so, darn adorably.



Happy Saturday Night, peeps! 

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