Friday, June 16, 2017

Some Early Summer 2017 Randoms!

So...I've been trying for days (weeks?) to type up this silly this of current quirks and loves and funnies before time passes by and these escape my memory forever. So tuck in for some stream of consciousness on this FRIYAY!

1. Hibiscus

Our little hibiscus outside the living room windows continues to produce the most gorgeous, coral blooms (yay, that we haven't killed it yet!), but I adore this plant most of all because Chica calls it a "hibiscuit." And I will never, ever correct her!


2. Magnolias

And speaking of blooms...our beloved magnolia trees at the side of the house are thriving (freaking double woohoo that we haven't killed them yet, either!).

Last year, we perhaps had three blooms between both trees--perhaps because of the trauma of their move from the tree farm to their forever home with us. But this year...dozens!!! Or more realistically, hundreds by the time the season is through. They are sooooo fragrant and enormous, and the kiddos beg me to pluck one off now and then and bring it inside (and, naturally, I acquiesce!).


3. Crab Apple

And lastly, on the horticultural front, ha...our first crab apple fell yesterday!!!! And lemme tell ya, we've been on Crab Apple Watch for weeks, so it was as a really. Big. Deal. The kiddos hopped, shrieking from the car to retrieve it when we pulled into the garage.


4. Snakes

Moving on from blooms and trees to...serpents. Chicklet is OBSESSED with snakes these days. (Remember how all she wanted to see at freaking Sea World was snakes?? Good thing they had some!)

She seriously chit-chats all day about "nakes and cwockodiles..." making a laundry list of her favorites. She is freaking ADORABLE, and we have even promised the bribe of a stuffed snake if she successfully potty trails (oye, the next battle now that we've cleared the paci drama-rama.)


5. Non-Naps

And speaking of paci drama-rama. We're now six weeks in, cold turkey with Chicklet non-napping. :(

If I'd know the paci removal would equal no naps, I would've though loooooong and hard about it, ha.

That said, I must admit that she's handling it far better than Chica did at that age, so I'm grateful for that. It's just hard to give up yet more of my small amount of regroup time midday. Chica is already my permanent non-nap parter, and these days I've got both girls by my side (since I feel guilt making Chicklet stay in her crib for too long when she's wiiiide awake).

Alas, they are brilliant at playing on the iPad with one another, utilizing their learning naps for a bit, so I can get a couple of things done, or just, you know, stare at a wall for a few minutes.


6. Paw Fanatics

How I've neglected to mention this before is beyond me, but the kiddos are wildly obsessed with Paw Patrol these days. I mean, WILDLY.

I fought it for awhile, trying to push the more educational Little Einsteins at them, but I lost the battle, ha.

And these days, since we're SO INANELY on-to-go, I have nooooo problem letting them watch whatever they want when we finally have some down time.


7. Phone Stealers

All three of my crazy kiddos steal my phone all day long. And luuuurv to take random pics while they have it. 

Not gonna lie--I adore (most) of what I find in my camera roll.

Some of Chicklet's snaps:


And Little Man's photography:


(Not gonna lie--the one above was wildly impressive. I'd set my phone on his changing table and he climbed his stool, stole it, and managed to snap this great angle, ha.)

And lastly, some of Chica's:


(Naturally, the one above caught Chicklet screaming because they were stealing my phone from one another, ha.)

8. Phoenetics

And lastly, for this random list, my eldest is trying so hard to spell things out. Mostly focus on the first and last words here. She was attempting, "what's mom's name," and "Reagan, good job." I mean, I adore.


Okay, over and out, peep!


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