Thursday, July 6, 2017

Somethin' Brewin'

So...when you check the weather forecast and all looks clear, but then show up at the pool with this overhead...

You end up with three pretty bummed kiddos.


Man was it a lot to work up the motivation to gather our gear and our energy for pool fun--only to have thunder roll less than five minutes into our jaunt in the water.

That's right, peeps. My babies cried when the lifeguard whistles blew and the pool was evacuated.


And all for this one, gosh-darn, isolated patch right here.

On the plus side:

1) These sporadic episodes of rain (including an awesome thunderstorm last night with really cool, rumbling booms) are keeping my plants and yard very happy.


2) Our forced departure from the pool meant extra time before bed. And that allowed for...a batch of chocolate chip cookies!

I don't think he could be any cuter.

So glad tomorrow's the weekend already. Why do the short weeks always seem so long??

Over and out.

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