Wednesday, August 2, 2017

A New Indoor Play Outlet!

So...our fun and freedom week continued today with a visit to a new, indoor, children's play place that just opened up nearby.

I can't say enough AWESOMESAUCE things about finding outlets like these that we can tap into for fun, socialization, and entertainment. So I'm just gonna assault you with my random, numerical summary, m'kay? M'Kay.

1. I feel like an idjit (translation: major idiot) for not discovering this place sooner, since there's another location within 10 miles of us. And while we're at it, where was I when other mommies knew about this particular place when their babies were barely walking?? I must have been in a no-sleep, three pregnancies in three years, zombie-like coma.

2. This place attracts resourceful mommies of tiny-tot children like bees to honey. It was packed.

3. Fun fact (if you're already in like Flynn): they only allow 25 kiddos in at a time. So we were wait-listed by about six tiny human slots when we arrived. Yup. Wait listed at a kid's place pace. Could we be any preppier and cliched? 

4. The wait was totally worth it. And, thank the heavens, they had some small toys in the waiting area to keep everyone from going berserk--although Little Man still rattled the entrance gate like he was maximum-security incarcerated.

5. At $11 per child, with no sibling discount (like some other, similar places) we can't go every day. But if we plan accordingly, it's totally doable--as long as we make the most of our time there.

6. The large play airplane was a massive hit.

7. So was this beaded, foam stuff (technical term) that you can shape into anything you can dream up (in Chica's case, pancakes, and a hat). I almost bought some on the way out--but decided against it so I could keep them crazy-excited about using it at a special place and not at home (for now, at least; it was pretty cool).

8. Little Man would've brawled over anybody who tried to take "his" little, wooden tryke. Luckily, nobody but Chicklet dared. And they're evenly matched.

9. The price of admission included snacks on the way out. Bonus. Especially since they were healthy, preppy, mostly-organic snacks.

10. Every second mother there had an infant strapped to her chest and I was actually sad those days have passed for me (waaaaaaaah). But my back was not shedding tears.

11. I took a gazillion photos...which you can now enjoy.

Over and out.

P.S. Those last two pics were taken by a lovely employee, who ocassionally caught some moments and emailed them to us mothers. Nice touch. ;)

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