Thursday, August 24, 2017

Back-To-School Night

Well, peeps.

It's really, truly, actually, finally, unfortunately, excitedly, irrevocably upon us.


I mean, seriously, it's feeling really real.

First off: I had a horrific moment earlier this week, after we met Daddy for our weekly lunch date and I realized it was the last one with all three kiddos.

I mean, talk about a stab in the heart.


Sure, yeah, whatever, we'll still have holidays and summers for Chica to join us, but it won't be the norm, and I couldn't let us go out like that without one really last lunch where we knew it was the last one and could do it up right (not that I made this known to Chica; I sooooo don't want her sad about missing out on lunches. No, this was for me).

So we met Daddy again today and had a delicious, outdoor meal. All together.

And now I feel better.


Then this evening was (drum roll, pub-lease)...back-to-school night!

It's apparently customary at our elementary school for the teachers to call the day before to introduce themselves, which is such a lovely touch.

So we'd received a fun call yesterday to discover which teacher--of the four that we already met in May at the kindergarten round-up--was Chica's. And we loved all four, so we were great with our luck of Amy draw. :)

Here's my girly girl all ready to go (in the stinking adorable dress that her dear dance class friend who moved to Colorado sent to her this summer):

And heeeeere she is in her classroom!

She was soooo lucky to get the one teacher who keeps pets in her class! There are birds (that, supposedly, get to fly around sometimes), and fish, and a bunny and turtles. I mean...awesomesauce, yeah?

We dropped off all her school supplies, and judging by the names on the cubbies, there are 17 kiddos in her class, which is fewer than I would have guessed, and great!

It was truly mass chaos up there at school with kiddos of all ages gearing up for the big day on Monday. But the chaos--and the challenge of keeping track of all three of our own crazies--was a blessed way to keep this Mama from getting emotional, ha.

And we managed to get it all done.

PTA membership
Volunteer jobs sign-ups
Spirit t-shirts purchased
School pick-up passes registered
Classroom contact information submitted 
Supplies dropped off
Mandatory school planner purchased

I mean...seriously, they gave us a checklist as we walked in, and it was no joke, ha.

But Chica was thrilled throughout all of it, and actually cried when we left because she thought she was staying for a whole day, (never mind the fact that it was nearing bath time, ha). 

I know my girl is ready.

And I've done nothing but spew outstanding excitement and happiness over this big step (regardless of how I might feel deeeeep down, oye).

And tonight, watching Cicklet bounce around soooo excited about being there, I had a flash of how vastly different this process will feel two years from now when we've been through the drill once already. The first cut of those parents stings always cuts deepest, yes?

Growth, peeps. We're working on embracing the growth and change.

Now just check in with me next week on that front.


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