Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Chicklet's Creations

I mean, seriously.

I don't think I've ever managed three posts in one night!

I'm a machine.

A catch-up machine.

(Not to be confused with a ketchup machine.)

A catch-up machine that's determined not to lose track of this amazing thing that Chicklet's been doing for months. But some random daily activity always bumps this in priority and I never get around to posting.

But not more!

Tonight, I give you...Chicklet and her "creations."

For ages, Chicklet has been rounding up all sorts of toys and objects anything-she-sees-fit and connecting them by string and blankets and knots and sheer engineering spirit, to create some masterpiece all her own.

I never knew what to call them, but they're so well thought out and built with such studious care, that I started calling them her "creations" and she seems to love that term, and now everybody in the house uses it.

I mean, she'll pull and tug and wrap and knot all the live long day, until she gets it just how she wants it.

And lemme tell ya-my girl is crazy good at the knots.

It's the reason she's not allowed to wear long nightgowns with tulle that can be tied in any way while she's in her crib. Her skills scare me!

But her focus impresses me. And I adore seeing her work through the structure and layout of something she seems just so

Perhaps I have an engineer on my hands.

Or a sailor.

Or anything she wants to be. 

I LOVE this girl and her skills and her mind--even if I'm detaching and detangling things all the live long day, ha.

Okay, seriously...over and out!

I mean it.

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