Sunday, September 3, 2017

Eye Heart These

So...I've slept with an eye mask for about a thousand years now.

I kicked off the habit (more than a decade ago) to help counteract the light-triggered migraines that are the bane of my existence.

And the eye masks just became my permanent friends to the point that I can't sleep or nap without 'em. Like, legitimately cannot

Hilariously, you might have noticed about a bazillion pics of Chica napping with me, using her very own eye masks, hehe. I adore that the does this. It's our thing, and we love it.

Only problemo--despite years and years of tying to love the eye masks I purchase, I've never found exactly what I've hoped for. The right fabric, fit, and warm fuzzies that will carry me off to dreamland.

So...this year, I called in a birthday favor and conned Nanna into making some for me. And by some, I mean oodles of them. A girl's gotta have choices. 

Oh, and Chicklet wanted some, too, hehe.

Nanna found some patterns, so Chica and I made a special visit to the fabric store to find the softest of the soft, soft, softness. We went on Thursday afternoon, just the two of us after school, and it was just the quality time we both needed after this week's big changes.

Chica was in heaven, perusing the aisles for just the right stuff. It was so much fun, and she was wildly excited and entertaining a bunch of people in the store. :)

In the end, we purchased five fabrics, and Chica loved them so much, she carted them around on our next errands, never wanting them out of sight, ha.

We chained Nanna to her sewing machine yesterday, and she churned out eye mask after eye mask--perfectly fitted just for us! Tons of colors and a few sizes and elastic widths, woohoo!

I mean, this is like a bouquet of flowers. Seriously. 

My eyes and face have never been so happy. Chica and I did a test run during nap time yesterday and it was perfection. 

And she's been hoarding hers and carrying them everywhere for the past two days.

I mean, I die.

And as if I needed further proof of the perfection of these eye masks: our ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD NAPPED TODAY.

I repeat: our entire household napped today.

I mean...that's a minor miracle.

I got Chica and Chicklet to sleep with me. Little Man slept solidly in his crib. And Daddy even caved and made a pillow bed on the couch.

We (collectively) sooooooo needed it today.

We embraced the lazy all day, and I have high hopes for many, many restful naps and night times in the future with my new eye mask friends.

Yay, for twisting Nanna's sewing arm! Hehe.

Happy Labor Day Weekend, peeps!

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