Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Little Man's Second Birthday! happened.

My baby boy, my little rascalion, my charmer of souls and destructor of objects, third-born of my womb (too far?) turned two years old yesterday.

I mean, how is it even possible that I no longer have a child under my roof whose age can be counted in months???





And, apparently, even my psyche and sleep cycles can't handle it.

Because the night before his birthday, I woke up, sat up, and spent many confused minutes trying to figure out why it was so quiet and dark--only to realize it wasn't morning.


I did this not once, not twice, not thrice, but four ever-loving-times throughout the night.

Me-thinks something is seriously wrong with me.

But let's not get into psycho-analyzing my stress levels or changing life of late, or sore-as-all-get-out muscles from wrangling my often-misbehaving birthday boy (terrible twos, you are not my friend), or anxiety and despondency over my babies growing...and just say I was pumped about the fun celebration.

And celebration it was.

We did it up right, dinosaur style!

I'd been struggling to land on a theme, all the way up to last week, when inspiration struck. I realized the thing the kiddos all love by the bucketloads lately would make for an awesomesauce decoration theme.

So now, without further delay ('cause I know you just really want the pics), heeeeeere we go!

I always have to take these pics at night, when everything is set before the big birthday morning, so the light is never great, but you get the drift. Dinosaurs everywhere; everywhere dinosaurs.

Inflatable dinosaurs, hanging dinosaurs, dinosaur masks, dinosaur tails, dinosaur noses, baby dinosaurs in eggs, dinosaurs on a stick. Yup, we had lots o' dinosaurs. ;)

And finally, the birthday boy, fresh out of his crib (still nearly dark out)...

Smart. Greet the largest predator in the room first.

I have love affairs with so many things about our themed birthday decorations of the past few years.

First, it's just fun to plan and execute.

Second, the hubby loves to help me set it all up, and I love that he loves it, too.

And third, it's fun for all the kiddos, who truly look forward to every birthday in the household. 

I adore my boy, and hope he get crazy special yesterday. 

And I'll try to ignore the fact that he just keeps getting bigger and growing older so I don't collapse into a pile of hormonal Mama goo.

But I will admit that these chair pics just slay me. 

Especially since the last time he took an official one, he looked like this:

And now...

Honestly, we had such fun with the dinosaurs and the chaos of the day (complete with a pumpkin patch visit I'll post about later), that it was exciting to have Daddy home for balloons and cake, but presents were an afterthought, ha. We only gave him one thing (a stomp rocket) and saved the other item for a rainy day.

Yay for birthdays.

Yay for our beautiful, boisterous boy.

And yay for double the trouble with father and son. ;)


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