Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The Beautiful Busyness. And Exhaustion.

So...my apologies for the slight radio silence of late, but we've been a weeeeeeee bit busy 'round our casa. 

And by "busy," I mean, we are in our third week of back-to-back-back out-of-town visitors!

First, we had my mother.

Then we had the hubby's parents.

And finally, we've got my dear, dear friend, Lisa, also known as the kiddos' Godmother (Or, according to Chicklet, "God Wisa." Priceless.)

So my trio of crazies has been loved up on attention and activity, and I have been collapsing into bed at night, run dry of all available stores of energy.

I mean, talk about the busiest three weeks ever.

Not only have we had the company, we've had:

- A start to kindergarten
- A kick-off of dance classes
- A shake-up of wake times, nap times & bed times
- A family virus (yup, Chica missed a day of school already )
- A week-long Fall cleaning/to-do list marathon
- A guys' football weekend away
- A birthday
- A potty training crack down
- A tooth fairy inaugural visit
- A trifecta of nature preserve excursions 

I mean...add in the errands, the cleaning (for the visitors!), the school runs, the cooking, the school lunches, the laundry, and a gazillion other things (nothing new to families the world over, ha), and I'm pretty sure by this weekend, I will be in a catatonic state. 

But what a fabulous way to reach that catatonic state. By days chock full of life and loved ones.

A blessing, truly.

(I'd just like a weeeeeee bit more rest at some point, puh-lease!)

Okay, not much energy left for commentary, but here are some pictures from the past five or so days.

Lisa and I got to run away to a movie! Woohoo!

Beautiful kindergartner and beautiful new hairstyles. ;)

Have I mentioned we've been to our nature preserve to see the anamatoronic dinosaurs three times in the past week? :) We can't get enough!

And this is Chica passed out for a nap yesterday while she was home from school. 

The virus has cycled fevers throughout the household and gunk and tummy troubles, oye. Season of Sick...here we come. Thankfully, she was a happy--and much healthier--girl at school today!

Okay...more later. For now, sleep beckons!

Over and out, peeps.

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