Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Chica's Fun (And Funny) Run

So...the kiddos aren't better yet, and we were at the pediatrician again this afternoon for more meds. 


But I'm gonna put that out of mind for a few itsy bitsy minutes and post some belated pics from Chica's school fundraiser event that was about 10 days ago. 'Cause that's waaaay more fun that thinking about all our sick ick germs.

So the fundraiser was a Fun Run that consisted of the kiddos running hilarious laps over and over and over, while us parents (and grandparents and any other generous suckers) paid them to keep on runnin'.

It was a total, adorable riot.

And both an awesome and awesomely painful event for Chicklet and Little Man, who mostly had to watch from the sidelines when they really really just wanted to dive in and run, Forrest, run!

They brought each of the classes out to great fanfare and the pre-run stretching was hilarious. Then off they went, super fast and enthusiastic...for about a full lap or two. ;)

As one might expect, for the remaining two hundred and twenty seven laps (or so it seemed), things started to break down.

Kids kept getting mowed over by the few crazy racers with unfailing energy. And Chicklet and Little Man started massively breaking down over their inability to participate. I mean, this pic pretty much sums it up:

But. Just as I was about to say screw it and hurl Chicklet in with the masses, the emcee of the event called for all siblings to join in, and the hallelujah chorus played very loudly in my mind.

My back was broken and my arms were shot by the time the race was officially over, but I'm sooo glad I made the effort to haul the wee ones there to witness it all, because it was the best kind of crazy.

Oh, and the water breaks.

There were puh-lenty (especially by Chica, who veered off to the water table about every lap and was spotted at one point juggling not one, not two, but three cups just for herself, ha).

So, yay, for our first official school fundraiser!

(And doubly yay for my girl, who insisted on running in style, complete with her chosen necklace for the day: a seashell beauty from Hawaii; a souvenir gifted by her rockstar Godmother. I'll never forget Chica's practice run around the kitchen before school, just to prove she could easily run with the jewelry, ha.)

Peace out, peeps!

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