Saturday, October 28, 2017

Chicklet's BIG GIRL BED! happened.

Chicklet finally got her big girl bed!

* I'll pause for a round of applause.

I mean, this one's a big deal.

And also one that's fun to post about when it happens...and perhaps not so fun to follow-up about a month or so later when the sleep is not so great, ha.

But the changes are inevitable. And so are both the fun and fiascos that tend to go along with them.

So let's just bask in the loveliness of finding a fun bed, ordering a mattress, and going about rearranging the room to accommodate the changes. :)

I'll begein with the finished product. Woohoo!

So lovely, yes??

And now I'll backtrack and say that I took it as a sign that it was time for the bed when Chicklet spent some of her nap time a few weeks ago gnawing her effing crib like a chipmunk.

I mean, seriously???

She did some extensive damage.

So much damage that I couldn't believe she had any teeth left--although she kindly grinned like a maniac to prove that she did (after I finished reading her the riot act).

I mean, each child always gnawed a teeny bit when they were a teething baby. But this???? This was baaad.


The hazards of a non-napping three-year-old, I suppose, ha.

So. The bed. It was a'time.

Luckily, I'd been ready to pull the trigger for awhile, so when we finally went for it, the process was easy breezy.

I wanted to order a duplicate of Chica's upholstered bed, but they don't make it anymore. So...I was bummed at first, but then not at all when I found another option I loved for a third of the price! Can I get an Amen??

And the mattress was soooo simple this go-around. Ordered Monday (in under five minutes in-store). Arrived Wednesday. Hauled home today. Bing, bang, boom!

On a cold day like today, it was perfect to take care of an assembly project like this (and I soooo wish I had a picture of Little Man's giggles and wildly smiling face when he watched the electric drill, hehe).

So here it is when the bed was finally assembled and ready for jumping monkeys.

I mean, is there anything more exciting than a new bed for enthusiastic jumpers???

I didn't get a great close-up shot, but as part of the overall room change, I actually put up a new wall adhesive and some three-dimensional flowers I found randomly one day.

If I were organized, I would have taken before/after pics, but basically, the wall needed something with different spacing to accommodate the bed change. And I might be adding to it in the next few weeks, as time allows.

Chicklet was soooo adorable when she snuggled in for a test run. Absolutely precious. And she kept thanking us for the bed and my heart just burst.

I mean...that face.

Again, I didn't take great close-up pics of things, but the canopy is new (although I purchased it a year ago, ha), and the comforter is the most gorgeous blush color and the softest velvet. It's really all so cozy and peaceful.

I'll be posting about the other changes that had to be made as I follow-up on how Chicklet's actually doing in the bed, but for now, it's a super fun change, and I hope like heck that my girl sleeps well in there!

Okay, FIVE POSTS in one night is totally a record, and now phone backup shall commence (you'll understand what I mean if you get through all hear catch-up posts).

Over and out, peeps!

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