Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Dinosaurs & (Tiny) Dancers

Well, peeps.

We've had a good couple o' days, thank the heavens.

Yesterday, we kept pretty busy all day, and capped off our afternoon with a visit to see our beloved dinosaurs at our nature sanctuary, and it was sooooo beautiful outside, and the kiddos were sooooo thrilled to be there. We sooooo needed it. 

It's hard to believe that, due to schedules and sickness and a myriad of other circumstances, we haven't been there for a month. Crazy! But we're going to take advantage as much as possible while this weather is so awesomesauce!

I mean, could he look any more enthusiastic???

My joys. These three babes are my joy, joy, joys.

Somehow, we've never been there at Halloween, and look how hilarious--they put trick-or-treat buckets in some of the dinosaur's hands, hehe.

My gorgeous, happy girlies.

Let's just zoom in for a closer look at this gorgeousness.

Happy, happy kiddos. forward to today, and Chicklet finally made it back to dance class after two weeks of sick leave, ha. And just look at how dang adorable she was in her tutu outfit she selected at the store the other day, her favorite necklace, and some heels she also selected as the cherry of her ensemble. Love it. Love her.

Now, I don't have any pics of this last bit, but we actually hosted our inaugural play date today among this year's crew of dance cuties.

Unfortunately, we haven't been the only family battling illness lately, so it was a small crew of four kiddos, but sort of a lovely way to get to know two of the moms that I haven't spent much time chatting with yet.

Much more on the play date and my musings of today versus the very first dance class play date we hosted a few years ago. Crazy how life and Mama perspective has changed since then!

Okay, over and out for the night, but pray for another day or two of health!


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