Tuesday, October 3, 2017

The Sick Spiral Strikes

So...I can't believe I'm typing this (but, actually, I totally can): our household is sick again.

I spent a decent portion of yesterday doing something that starts with a "v" and rhymes with comet.


Mama bear was sick. AGAIN.

And Daddy was a total rockstar holding down the fort.

I mean...seriously, peeps. How are we so completely into this cycle already! It's barely into the school year and into Fall! Arghhhhhhhhhh!

Ironically, Little Man had his two-year checkup today (woohoo!), so we found ourselves at the pediatrician.

Quick report on Little Man:

He's awesomsauce (obviously, ha. And I'm not biased at all.) He's still a string bean--92nd percentile for height, so he's not gonna be a short booger when he grows up, or so the doctor says. And 67th percentile for weight. So, yay, for a healthy, happy, growing boy!

But back to the general sick ick.

The doctor says we're just in those bad years. But she swears that a year from now, we'll see an improvement, and I wanna believe her. I really, really do.

Especially since another kiddo hit the dust post doctor's appointment.

I knew something was wrong when my nap time chatterbox went quiet all of a sudden. 

And then I looked at the monitor and died from shock.

My beautiful middle child, who has never ever fallen asleep on her own in her crib since that dang Paci Fairy took her pacis, was out like a light.

So naturally, after my shock passed, I took a million creepy, lurking Mama shots.

I mean, she looked like angel, but I knew something wasn't right. And sure enough, she woke with a fever.


I had to carry her to pick up sissy from school; she didn't even want to walk. And she didn't want a slushee form Sonic, either (very bad news).

And then, after we got home and settled, she fell asleep on the couch in the playroom, amidst all the regular commotion.

I mean, I thought about calling an ambulance (I tease...but only a little).

She was wiped. And I guarded her from her little brother (who so badly wanted to poke her) like a hawk.

I mean...it just hurts my heart when my babies don't feel--especially when and I can't do much to help them.

I'm happy to report that she rallied enough energy to scoot around the kitchen a bit (half heartedly) before dinner. But she's still not at all her full-fledged fabulous self.

It's too early to tell what's gotten ahold of her. She could be having an adverse reaction to her flu shot today. Or, she could have what I had (and what Daddy feels coming on. 

Who knows.

But. I'm gonna try my best not to get down in the dumps over the ick. It's so hard, though! Perhaps after the initial shock of having it assault is wrrk after week, we'll grown more accustomed to it.

I hope. I hope.

Over and out.

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