Tuesday, November 28, 2017

A Super(Hero) Thanksgiving Riot

So...remember when I said I was going to post about Thanksgiving in post-chronological order?

I lied.

I'm gonna post all willy-nilly, starting with the silly.

And by silly, I mean hilariously, inappropriately, beautifully insane.

In the form of a craft challenge on Thanksgiving night, after the kiddos were asleep.

We had so much fun doing our Ugly Christmas Sweater craft contest last year that I knew I wanted to organize something again. But I didn't want to do a complete repeat, so I spent some time in Hobby Lobby gathering inspiration and supplies (identical for everyone; gotta keep it fair), and issuing this challenge:

You have one hour (that sort of turned into two) to take these supplies and the crazy in your brain, and craft yourself into an original superhero.

As with last year, it was a total and complete riot.

I mean, it was such a joy to spend time in the pursuit of not taking ourselves too seriously, and indulging our inner craziness as a (competitive) family, ha.

I laughed quite literally until I cried. And gave myself abdomen cramps.

So now, some photographic evidence that I hesitated to share, lest you worry about our collective mental stabilility. But, what the hay. You already know I'm crazy, so here you go! (All pics complete with superhero vibe filter, hehe.)

It was Uncle Justin who first upped the ante with accessories. I should have known then that he'd take home the prize. 

But everyone was so totally devoted to the task, it was awesome.

Poor Nanna had nothing to show for herself (but stress), for an hour...

But then she broke the crafting block with a lightning bolt, ha.

So here's Uncle Justin lookin' pretty good...

And here he is, clinching the win by going leotard.

I mean, leotard = win. No contest.

Around this point, I was dying. I mean, dying.

And for every pic I've shared, I've got ten I wouldn't dare, but will keep forever.

I mean...I double dog dare anyone to have had a better (sober) Thansgiving night. Crafting, no less!

The family that laughs together, stays together.

Superheroes for the win!

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