Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Halloween 2017!


We were dragons.

A whole family of dragons.

(Although I was soooo close to dressing as Khaleesi, but resisted, only because the kiddos wouldn't get the joke.)

And, yet again, it was just a picture-perfect evening. 

From early afternoon--when the kiddos where already chomping at the bit to bust out their costumes--to the return home after a decent trek through our wonderful neighborhood, it was just as magical as every childhood Halloween night should be.

Complete with silly and fantastic pics. :)

I love that Daddy's elaborate getup doesn't even warrant true mention, as he's just came for anything I buy him at this point. He's a winner, that one.

Too bad all that's available for women on the costume front is something tiny, a bit skanky, and most likely a whole-lotta family-inappropriate. Which explains my onesie-style costume for like the third year in row. Come to think of it, that's pretty much the women's costume spectrum in a nutshell: skanky or onesie. Ha.

Okay, we have to take a moment to talk about this ghost. The Ghost. The Ghost that Little Man was obsessed with the whole season...

It graced the giant threshold of this house in our neighborhood (and was new this year thanks to a new family living there), and my boy could not get enough of it. Asked to see it morning, noon and night--and for sure asked to see it the second we left our garage to go anywhere.

I'm pretty sure walking up close to The Ghost was the highlight of his Halloween night (or Halloween season in general, ha).

Well. Besides the bucketful of candy he consumed while trick-or-treating. ;)

This is him, still staring at The Ghost on our second pass-by (is that a word??).

And this skeleton is the second MVP of our Halloween 2017 season. It was situated in the yard of a house near the front of our neighborhood, and we could not enter or exit for any errand--short or long--without driving up to the skeleton, rolling down the windows, and watching its entire animated show of popping up from its grave, and then back down.

We were so invested in that dang skeleton that I actually had to hop out of the car not once but twice during the month of October, due to the very persistent requests of my children, to fix one of the skeleton's arms that would ocassionally get stuck in the grave, ha. 

They were in love with this skeleton. And The Ghost.

And I am in love with them, and their LOVE of Halloween.

And last but not least, here's Nanna in her Dracula costume after we returned home. :)

I spent much of my evening tonight de-Halloweening the casa. It was tough but I had to rip it off like a band-aid to make way for Thankagiving hype and memories.

I didn't think it was possible to ramp it up even more, but I loved this Halloween season the most of all we've had so far--probably because I now have three kiddos old enough to be wildly enthusiastic about it.

The golden years, I tell ya. 


Wish me luck with the post-Halloween blues tomorrow when I look out the window and see no inflatable, googly-eyed, geeen vampire!

Over and out.


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