Thursday, November 9, 2017

More Crafting Elbow Room

So...a little health update around our casa:

The hubby was sick all of last weekend.

Chica fell ill earlier this week and has been home from school the past two days (and likely tomorrow, as well) with respiratory gunk. The poor girl has been coughing so much she's made herself throw up a handful of times, and there's not much the doctor could do for this particular virus. :(, Little Man sounded my code red Mama Alarm stat when I heard his bark-like seal cough that was a telltale sign he's come down with croup--again.

Oh, and lest she be left out, Chicklet joined the congestion gang, as of this evening.

Unfortunately, there's not much to be done prescription-wise for the respiratory gunk unless it leads to ear infections. But I only needed one lesson in croup to be hot-dialing our pediatrician, who kindly called in steroids for Little Man (so we didn't have to go back a second day in a row) to try to halt it in its tracks before we end up in urgent care and the hospital like we did a month ago.

I mean, can I get an oye.

And a sigh.

And a big, fat woe to us all.

(Pause while I hang my head in my hands.)

That said...

We've enjoyed an oddly lovely (if somewhat simultaneously challenging) few days while Chica has been home from school, and it just reminds how much my kiddos love one another and love being with one another. And, I'm not gonna lie, they also thrive on the slightly looser schedule of the day that gives them an extra bit of morning and nap time rest.

So. In the spirit of taking advantage of the extra time together, we busted out our first Thanksgiving craft (some turkeys) yesterday on a very rainy and cold day. 

And the I was so startled when I went to post the pics and realized it was our first craft project on our new playroom table and we've had it for over a month!

I mean, sure, we've done kitchen projects during that time, but the absence of playroom projects still speaks volumes about the crazy state of our household this Fall.

So, the table.

It's part of a general refresh of the playroom that's been happening gradually over that past couple of months (and that I'll share more about soon). But the particular catalyst for the new table was the fact that three out of four chairs on our smaller kids' table were broken, and there just wasn't enough room anymore.

But. Since it's still a playroom for tiny children, I didn't want to spend a bunch or do anything too fancy, so I was thrilled when I came across these cool acrylic chairs at Tuesday Morning one day, since they were right up the alley of an idea I had ages ago.

The chairs are so funky and playful and kid-friendly. And after we found them randomly one day, we made a trip to IKEA and purchased a $29 table that was just the right mix of white and light wood.

We've situated it in the corner for now, though things are in flux a little bit in the plaryoom until all is finalized.

Oh! I forgot the fun bit of flare to the table!

It came with simple $4 IKEA legs that did not make my heart go pitter pat. So I found a site online that sells fun and lovely legs you can purchase--for IKEA furtinute, or any other brand for that matter.

So here are the original legs (though in a badly lit picture)...

And here are the new ones. :)

It's just a nice bit of flair that I love.

So, we have ourselves a new table, and I adore that the kiddos have each claimed the seat that is "theirs."

But I hadn't realized how much I would also adore having so much more room on a table when all four of us wanted to get our project on!

It was insanely nice not to have to put the crafting supplies on the floor (because of the lack of room), or referee the nudging and shoving and complaining (again, the lack of room)!

So, yay, for a fun and helpful change!

And for cute little turkeys (the project and the kiddos).

Sorry for the weird lighting. Rainy day and no flash.

Okay, more later regarding other playroom stuff. And now I'm off to get some rest before another potentially tough day tomorrow.

Send healthy vibes our way!

Over and out.

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