Monday, November 27, 2017


Helloooooooooo, from the flip side of Thanksgiving!


Before I dive into any of the massive recaps of our wonderful holiday (that will probably be posted in reverse chronological order, 'cause I'm a rebel like that), I'd like to give a massive shout out to these two for giving me the best post-Thanksgiving distraction:

I mean.

I die.

Fun fact: I'm a crazy, mad-obsessive of all things royal, and I've been waiting for this moment with flutters of anticipation and tea and scones in my heart. 

I gorged on all things engagement today throughout all the other fun we had, and it was the best. Happy, happy, joy, joy...and more on all of that in the coming months you can betcha. ;)


Now back to our regularly-scheduled post-Thanksgiving back-to-normal recap.

We had our standing Monday lunch with Daddy (and dragged Nanna, who's being held hostage with us until after my dentist appointment tomorrow). And my babies were happy. 

And happy to run around.

So sure, yeah, we ran late for naps, but it happens. 

Especially on Mondays.

So before I could blink, it was time to retrieve my Chica from school (she was so happy to be back at it).  And after some time regrouping, we headed outside for a fun ornament project that involved a significant glitter blast radius. And you know how I love a good project to get back in our normal groove.

This one involved clear, plastic, empty ornaments, coated on the interior with some Pledge floor care finish.

Then after it was swirled around the ornament interior, it was time for the glitter. 

Pour and shake in any color combo. And be sure to spill as much as possible.

Little Man was actually wildly into this project. Probably because we usually restrict his glitter involvement when indoors, but we let him go nuts today in the great outdoors.

Yay for fun, glittery ornaments!

And an extra yay for some good old-fashioned running around the yard. There were boatloads of giggles and smiles. And all of the following pics were taken by one of my kiddos. :)

I swear, the pics are so much cuter when they take them of one another. The facials expressions and angles are just priceless.

Last bit certainly not least for tonight--it's looking a lot like Christmas 'round here!

More on all of our Thanksgiving happenings soon!

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