Thursday, November 30, 2017

Thanksgiving Day--2017!

So...I'm pretty sure that I'm posting all of our Thanksgiving happenings in the most discombobulated way possible.

And I dig it.

So far, we've covered a quick post of the day peeps arrived (Wednesday), and our Superhero Challenge (Thursday evening).

So here's the rest of Thanksgiving Day, and then we'll be close to current, one week later, hehe.

An unexpected teeny tiny joy that just kicked my day of right, was involving my girlies in the turkey prep of the early morning hour. The household was mostly asleep, and they just happened to be underfoot at the right place and time. Which led to very eager butter assistants for the first year ever. With hopefully many more to come!

The more buttah, the bettah.

You can never have too much.

Now, fast forward a few hours post buttah, and the kitchen was packed with food and cooks, and the kiddos had been patient all morning, so we hustled them outdoors for our now-traditional Thanksgiving Day walk before the big meal.

It was a gorgeous day--crisp, but sunny--and they were thrilled to be outdoors.

We arrived back home with fresh air in our lungs and nothin' in our bellies, but the meal was upon us. Woohoo! 

Here's the big bird (on the plate, not standing)...

And the big, busy table-full...

It was just what it should be with our young kiddos in the house. Casual, easy-breezy, and with coloring supplies at the ready for distraction.

As you'd expect, we quickly fell into turkey comas (well, some of us), but we couldn't indulge our inner siesta too much, because we decided to make a trip to the Gaylord ICE exhibit that evening, as we'd concluded it would be far less busy than the day after.

And, man, were we right! 

We'd purchased our tickets in advance for a specified time, but unlike previous years when we did the same but on a weekend, we breezed straight through this time. No lines, little fuss, just a normal crowd without angst. Can I get an Amen???

For anyone who's never been, it's an incredible exhibit, but certainly one you go through quickly, since it's six degrees inside. Which made the lack of lines so great, as it's frustrating to spend far more time in line that in the main attraction, ha.

So this year was a treat without frustration, and it enabled the girlies to go down the ice slides more times than usual, since they didn't have to wait in long lines.

And double bonus--I adore my kiddos bundled up in their hats and gloves and scarves and earmuffs (naturally). Sooooo cute.

Ice slide!

Poor Little Man was the only one who didn't dig it, ha. First off, he was bundled up to the point of not being able to move his arms or see his hands, ha. Which caused him to trip walking in, and on a shortened nap, that meant meltdown. So this pic of him is kind of my favorite hot (but really freezing) mess evidence:

Can't blame the poor dude, ha.

But luckily, he cheered waaaay up when we exited the freezing part and warmed him up with hot chocolate and loads of mini cupcakes :)

And then capped things off by running into childhood neighbors and their kiddos, who were super fun to see:

In all, factoring in the evening's superhero hilariousness, followed by the adults exchanging early Christmas gifts, it was actually one of my favorite Thanksgivings of recent years.

Just family I love, eating a lot, chilling a lot, laughing a lot, and throwing in a fun excursion or two.

Sooooooo much to be thankful for this year, and every year.

I'm so dang blessed it's ridiculous.

A couple of final bonus shots for kicks!

And one final post about our ice skating excursion, then I should finally be caught up. Woohoo!!

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